Seven Senses is a method of self-healing. It's how we release all that holds us back. And, explore our personal growth in real time.
The Seven Senses Method draws upon four quadrants: the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Through experiential and practical understandings of these properties within us, Seven Senses meaningfully brings people into greater alignment, and thus propels even greater transformation.
In western culture we compartmentalize health and the four quadrants are rarely treated in tandem. Yet, at Seven Senses we are committed to addressing health in a powerful, holistic nexus we call the “mind-body” connection. And, develop keen awareness through the eldest system to date, the Seven Chakra System.
Our Seven Senses Experiences combine sound, movement, yogic practice and principles, breathwork, physiology, aromatherapy, psychology, integrative healing modalities, energetic cleansing, music, expression, release techniques, adventure, and immersions within natural landscapes to evoke and invite all parts of you to thrive.
Seven Senses is a new paradigm of care- one where healthcare is so much more than physical and mental discomfort. In this state of Seven Senses our collective potential is infinite.