Replays now Available!
Creating though the chakras
a EIGHT week online series
Are you looking to create a reliable and fulfilling manifestation practice?
Do you know how to manifest but aren’t quite sure what you want?
Do you have a manifestation practice or a set of tools that used to work but is no longer working?
Do you have big dreams that you can’t step into because you doubt yourself or don’t feel worthy of them?
Do you want to learn a reliable methodology that accounts for the art and science of manifestation so you can create your reality at will?
Every single one of us has the ability to create and manifest the lives we want. Manifestation is both an art and a science and understanding how to balance these 2 aspects of your manifestation practice is the key to success. In this series, we dive deep into both and explore how to apply them to your life.
The art of manifestation requires a deep understanding of WHAT and WHY you are manifesting. And this means doing the work of the lower chakras so you can freely create from the upper chakras with integrity.
The science of manifestation is the HOW. It requires that you understand how to use the technology of self. This means coordinating the various aspects of the holistic self (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) and mastering the dynamics of all seven chakras.
This 8 week series is designed for those who want to learn to manifest through the chakras. When it comes to manifestation, each chakra offers a unique gift and perspective. Understanding the dynamics of each individual chakra allows you to choose which one(s) you want to create from in any given situation to achieve fulfilling results. This is an all levels course. You do not need to have any knowledge of the chakras to benefit.
What we cover:
The Art and Science of manifestation (aka the what, why and how of manifestation)
The relationship between healing, creativity and manifestation
Manifesting via projection versus manifesting magnetism
The role of time in a manifestation practice (which chakras yield quick results and when to use them)
Manifestation in from the lower chakras versus the upper chakras
How to use the technology of self to create anything you want
How to experience the results of your efforts (root)
The role of emotion in the law of attraction (sacral)
Excavating and removing blocks and setting bigger goals (solar plexus)
Manifesting with integrity (heart)
Using your voice as a magic wand (throat)
Using your manifestation practice as a form of ancestral healing and for the betterment of future generations (third eye)
The role of surrender and faith in your manifestation practice (crown)
The Details:
These are the replays from a live series recorded in the spring of 2022
You have access immediately and for 120 days
The course includes 16 hours of lessons, 8 worksheets, 8 chakra highlight PDFs and a bonus lecture/Q&A video
Normally $777 but on sale for $299!